An open-label, multicentre safety study of vemurafenib in patients with BRAF(V600)-mutant metastatic melanoma : final analysis and a validated prognostic scoring system

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An open-label, multicentre safety study of vemurafenib in patients with BRAF(V600)-mutant metastatic melanoma : final analysis and a validated prognostic scoring system

Author: Larkin, James; Brown, Michael P.; Arance, Ana M.; Hauschild, Axel; Queirolo, Paola; Del Vecchio, Michele; Ascierto, Paolo A.; Krajsova, Ivana; Schachter, Jacob; Neyns, Bart; Garbe, Claus; Sileni, Vanna Chiarion; Mandala, Mario; Gogas, Helen; Espinosa, Enrique; Hospers, Geke; Lorigan, Paul; Nyakas, Marta; Guminski, Alex; Liszkay, Gabriela; Rutkowski, Piotr; Miller, Wilson, Jr.; Donica, Margarita; Makrutzki, Martina; Blank, Christian
Tübinger Autor(en):
Garbe, Claus
Published in: European Journal of Cancer (2019), Bd. 107, S. 175-185
Verlagsangabe: Elsevier Sci Ltd
Language: English
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ISSN: 1879-0852
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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