The volume presents international collaborative and comparative approaches in
teacher education, addressing researchers, teachers, and other educational professionals who are interested in the following topics:
▶ Binational research perspectives on teacher education in South Africa and Germany
▶ Inclusion and educational equity
▶ Professionalization and mentoring
▶ Curricular characteristics and pedagogical content knowledge in education in economics, biology, and physical chemistry
▶ Education for sustainable development as a growing cross-sectional topic
The results shed light on similarities and on different challenges experienced within
the South African and the German educational, historical, socio-political, and institutional contexts. They reveal the struggles towards the best possible preparation of
future teachers, and introduce the Wits School of Education and the Tübingen School
of Education as players who consistently and energetically advance teacher education,
based on research, relevance, and responsibility.
Successful international collaboration has the ability to generate new impulses, increase
global awareness of whole institutions, and open horizons for mutual understanding
in academia. Wits School of Education and Tübingen School of Education are thankful for the support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), from the
excellency funding of the University of Tübingen, and from the Global South Center,
University of Tübingen.