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Abgeschlossene Portale/Sammlungen: Recent submissions

  • Ruggles, C.L.N. [Hg.] (1988); Wissenschaftlicher Artikel; 1987 - CAA87. Computer and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1987 (BAR International Series 393)
  • Wilcock, J. [Hg.] (1995); Wissenschaftlicher Artikel; 1993 - CAA 93. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1993 (BAR International Series 598)
  • Ruggles, C.L.N. [Hg.] (1988); Wissenschaftlicher Artikel; 1987 - CAA87. Computer and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1987 (BAR International Series 393)
  • Hellenic Ministry of Culture [Hg.]; Athens [Hg.] (2006-04); Wissenschaftlicher Artikel; F. Iacotucci - 452
  • Dingwall, L., S. Exon, V. Gaffney, S. Laflin [Hg.] (1999); Wissenschaftlicher Artikel; 1997 - Archaeology in the Age of the Internet. CAA97. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 25th Anniversary Conference, University of Birmingham, April 1997 (BAR International Series 750)