Computer-based quantification of the Achilles tendon thickness in sequential B-mode ultrasound images: a study of feasibility and reliability

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Computer-based quantification of the Achilles tendon thickness in sequential B-mode ultrasound images: a study of feasibility and reliability

Author: Syha, R.; Grau, S.; Niess, A. M.; Hein, T.; Werner, M. K.; Ketelsen, D.; Schick, F.; Best, R.
Tübinger Autor(en):
Syha, Roland
Grau, Stefan
Nieß, Andreas Michael
Werner, Matthias Klaus
Ketelsen, Dominik
Schick, Fritz
Best, Raymond
Published in: Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (2014), Bd. 134, H. 10, S. 1443-1449
Verlagsangabe: Springer
Language: English
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ISSN: 0936-8051
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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