A flow bioreactor system compatible with real-time two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy

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dc.contributor.author Shen, Nian
dc.contributor.author Monaghan, Michael G.
dc.contributor.author Hinderer, Svenja
dc.contributor.author Schenke-Layland, Katja
dc.contributor.author Riedl, Julia
dc.contributor.author Carvajal Berrio, Daniel A.
dc.contributor.author Layland, Shannon Lee
dc.contributor.author Davis, Zachary S.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-01-14T08:36:13Z
dc.date.available 2020-01-14T08:36:13Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.issn 1748-605X
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10900/96885
dc.language.iso en de_DE
dc.publisher Iop Publishing Ltd de_DE
dc.relation.uri http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-605X/aa9b3c de_DE
dc.subject.ddc 600 de_DE
dc.title A flow bioreactor system compatible with real-time two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy de_DE
dc.type Article de_DE
utue.quellen.id 20190321153956_03601
utue.personen.roh Shen, Nian
utue.personen.roh Riedl, Julia A.
utue.personen.roh Berrio, Daniel A. Carvajal
utue.personen.roh Davis, Zachary
utue.personen.roh Monaghan, Michael G.
utue.personen.roh Layland, Shannon L.
utue.personen.roh Hinderer, Svenja
utue.personen.roh Schenke-Layland, Katja
dcterms.isPartOf.ZSTitelID Biomedical Materials de_DE
dcterms.isPartOf.ZS-Issue Article 024101 de_DE
dcterms.isPartOf.ZS-Volume 13 de_DE
utue.fakultaet 04 Medizinische Fakultät de_DE

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