Backpropagation Beyond the Gradient

DSpace Repositorium (Manakin basiert)

Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributor.advisor Hennig, Philipp (Prof. Dr.) Dangel, Felix Julius 2023-02-06T12:01:13Z 2023-02-06T12:01:13Z 2023-02-06
dc.identifier.uri de_DE
dc.identifier.uri de_DE
dc.identifier.uri de_DE
dc.description.abstract Automatic differentiation is a key enabler of deep learning: previously, practitioners were limited to models for which they could manually compute derivatives. Now, they can create sophisticated models with almost no restrictions and train them using first-order, i. e. gradient, information. Popular libraries like PyTorch and TensorFlow compute this gradient efficiently, automatically, and conveniently with a single line of code. Under the hood, reverse-mode automatic differentiation, or gradient backpropagation, powers the gradient computation in these libraries. Their entire design centers around gradient backpropagation. These frameworks are specialized around one specific task—computing the average gradient in a mini-batch. This specialization often complicates the extraction of other information like higher-order statistical moments of the gradient, or higher-order derivatives like the Hessian. It limits practitioners and researchers to methods that rely on the gradient. Arguably, this hampers the field from exploring the potential of higher-order information and there is evidence that focusing solely on the gradient has not lead to significant recent advances in deep learning optimization. To advance algorithmic research and inspire novel ideas, information beyond the batch-averaged gradient must be made available at the same level of computational efficiency, automation, and convenience. This thesis presents approaches to simplify experimentation with rich information beyond the gradient by making it more readily accessible. We present an implementation of these ideas as an extension to the backpropagation procedure in PyTorch. Using this newly accessible information, we demonstrate possible use cases by (i) showing how it can inform our understanding of neural network training by building a diagnostic tool, and (ii) enabling novel methods to efficiently compute and approximate curvature information. First, we extend gradient backpropagation for sequential feedforward models to Hessian backpropagation which enables computing approximate per-layer curvature. This perspective unifies recently proposed block- diagonal curvature approximations. Like gradient backpropagation, the computation of these second-order derivatives is modular, and therefore simple to automate and extend to new operations. Based on the insight that rich information beyond the gradient can be computed efficiently and at the same time, we extend the backpropagation in PyTorch with the BackPACK library. It provides efficient and convenient access to statistical moments of the gradient and approximate curvature information, often at a small overhead compared to computing just the gradient. Next, we showcase the utility of such information to better understand neural network training. We build the Cockpit library that visualizes what is happening inside the model during training through various instruments that rely on BackPACK’s statistics. We show how Cockpit provides a meaningful statistical summary report to the deep learning engineer to identify bugs in their machine learning pipeline, guide hyperparameter tuning, and study deep learning phenomena. Finally, we use BackPACK’s extended automatic differentiation functionality to develop ViViT, an approach to efficiently compute curvature information, in particular curvature noise. It uses the low-rank structure of the generalized Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian and addresses shortcomings in existing curvature approximations. Through monitoring curvature noise, we demonstrate how ViViT’s information helps in understanding challenges to make second-order optimization methods work in practice. This work develops new tools to experiment more easily with higher-order information in complex deep learning models. These tools have impacted works on Bayesian applications with Laplace approximations, out-of-distribution generalization, differential privacy, and the design of automatic differentia- tion systems. They constitute one important step towards developing and establishing more efficient deep learning algorithms. en
dc.language.iso en de_DE
dc.publisher Universität Tübingen de_DE
dc.rights ubt-podok de_DE
dc.rights.uri de_DE
dc.rights.uri en
dc.subject.classification Automatische Differentiation , Neuronales Netz , Optimierung , Krümmung , Deep learning , Maschinelles Lernen , Gradient , Newton-Verfahren de_DE
dc.subject.ddc 004 de_DE
dc.subject.other Backpropagation en
dc.subject.other curvature matrices en
dc.subject.other higher-order information en
dc.subject.other second-order optimization en
dc.title Backpropagation Beyond the Gradient en
dc.type PhDThesis de_DE
dcterms.dateAccepted 2023-01-31
utue.publikation.fachbereich Informatik de_DE
utue.publikation.fakultaet 7 Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät de_DE
utue.publikation.noppn yes de_DE


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